Monday, February 28, 2011

Nails of the Day - Cracked Purple

Hey guys!

Today I decided to try a full crackle mani using one of my favourite combinations from my China Glaze Crackle swatches. Although I took a load of photos, I couldn't get a picture that showed just how shiny and eye catching this combination truly is so you'll just have to trust me that this is an excellent colour combo! It's definitely going to be a pain to remove though!

China Glaze Strong Adhesion Base Coat
China Glaze - Silver Lining (base)
China Glaze - Fault Line (purple crackle)
Seche Vite Top Coat

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Review & Swatches - China Glaze Crackle Collection

Hey guys!

How is everyone doing? I'm actually not feeling the best, I've got a bit of a cold so I haven't been doing much besides sleeping these last couple of days. I did however manage to get swatches of my new babies - the China Glaze Crackles - so I have those to share with you today.

I decided that to keep everything consistent that I would do all my swatches over other China Glaze polishes.

Keep reading to see swatches and read the review!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nails of the Day - Radioactive Green & Hot Pink Cheetah Print

Ok, I know what you're all thinking, "Didn't I JUST see this mani?!"

Yes, yes you did! I just got SO many compliments on that design that I thought I would try it again but with different colours. Plus, I was pressed for time once again (so much school work, ugh) so I was happy to do another quick design.

Also, I apologize for the photo quality but my camera really struggled to get a colour accurate picture of this mani because the neon green basically looks radioactive. Seriously, it's SO bright!
At first I thought that I couldn't get a good photo because I was holding a neon colour but I even tried holding a black polish instead but it didn't help. I must have taken about 70 photos before finally giving up and settling on this one. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it!

China Glaze Strong Adhesion Base Coat
OPI - Alpine Snow (white base)
China Glaze - In the Lime Light (over white base)
Color Club - Warhol (spots)
OPI - Black Onyx (outline of spots)
Seche Vite Top Coat

I definitely like my yellow and blue combo of this design a lot better than this combo. I actually think this looks like some kind of fungus (emphasis on the fun). :D

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nails of the Day - Yellow & Blue Cheetah Print

What a creative title for this mani, hey?

I was planning on doing an entirely different design tonight but it was really late when I finally sat down to do my nails so I just decided to do something quick and simple. Basically, any type of animal print is always my fall back when I'm not feeling very creative or when I don't have a lot of time so of course, that's what I ended up doing tonight.

Seche Clear Base Coat
Color Club - Almost Famous (base)
Zoya - Robyn (spots)
OPI - Black Onyx (outline of spots)
Seche Vite Top Coat

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Review & Swatches - Wet 'n' Wild Spring 2011 FastDry Polishes: Part 1

Hey guys!

So as promised in my last post, here are swatches of some of the new Wet 'n' Wild Fast Dry polishes for Spring. There are still a few colours that I don't have but I plan to get them at some point which is why I titled this post Part 1.

Oh, and one of the colours that is not pictured here is Party of 5 Glitters which I did a swatch comparison (with Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday) and review of here.

Keep reading to see swatches and read the review!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Swatch Comparison - Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday vs. Wet 'n' Wild Party of 5 Glitters

Hey guys!

Today I picked up a few of the new Wet 'n' Wild polishes including the apparent Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday dupe called Party of 5 Glitters so I decided to do a comparison to see just how similar they are.

Keep reading for comparison photos and the review!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nails of the Day - Funky Plaid

Hey guys!

Today I have a manicure for you that was inspired by a fellow Newfie nail blogger who I really like and respect. She got her design from WAH Nails and the colours she chose are less in your face than the neons I chose so some of you might prefer that look. Check out her blog here and be sure to check out the rest of her awesome designs!

(By the way, this design might look easy but trust me when I say that it was very difficult! It was tough trying to get the lines straight, even with my striper brush and since neons are relatively sheer, I had to go over my lines several times, making it even more difficult than it should have been.)

Anyways, onto my interpretation of the design:

Seche Clear Base Coat
OPI - Alpine Snow (base)
China Glaze - Yellow Polka Dot Bikini (on top of Alpine Snow)
China Glaze - Towel Boy Toy (blue lines)
China Glaze - Kiwi Cool-Ada (green lines)
China Glaze - Flying Dragon (purple lines)
Seche Vite Top Coat

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Review & Swatches - Nicole by OPI Liquid Metals Collection

Hey guys!

So as I said in my last post, the boyfriend and I exchanged Valentine's Day gifts today and he surprised me with the Nicole by OPI Liquid Metals Collection! Usually he stays away from surprising me with polish because I have so many and he doesn't want to end up getting me any that I already have. But he knew that I didn't have these ones because they were just putting them out a few days ago when he was getting groceries at Dominion so he took the opportunity to surprise me with something he knew I would love! And I do!

Keep reading to see swatches and read the review!

Valentine's Day Nail Art - Cute Hearts

Hey guys!

I want to start off by apologizing for only posting nail art recently but I've been completely swamped with school work this whole week! Once things start to calm down I'll get back to more regular posting. :)
In the meantime though, today I have for you the last in my Valentine's series - a simply but cute heart design. I had a few other ideas in mind but I won't get to do any of them before Valentine's Day so I guess I'll just have to save them for next year!

Seche Clear Base Coat
OPI - Alpine Snow (base on all fingers except ring fingers, white hearts on ring fingers)
China Glaze - Something Sweet (base on ring fingers, light pink hearts on others)
OPI - I'm Indi-a Mood for Love (dark pink hearts)
OPI - Rumple's Wiggin' (purple hearts)
Seche Vite Top Coat

So what does everyone have planned for Valentine's Day? My boyfriend is working in the morning and I'm working in the evening on Monday so we're actually exchanging gifts tonight. We're also planning on going out to supper at some point or another but right now is just too hectic for me with school. Plus, I'd rather go when the Valentine's crowd calms down since I'm not a fan of big crowds.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Valentine's Day Nail Art - Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Hey everyone!

One of my favourite things about Valentine's Day is that my boyfriend always makes me delicious chocolate dipped strawberries so I decided to do a nail design inspired by that!

One of the best things about this design is that it's a pretty versatile! You could remove the chocolate portion of it and it becomes a fun design for any day of the year and if you used brighter colours this would be a great summer mani.

Seche Clear Base Coat
Nicole by OPI - OMB! (strawberry)
China Glaze - Starboard (leaves)
Revlon - Hot for Chocolate (chocolate)
China Glaze - Lighthouse (seeds)
Seche Vite Top Coat
China Glaze Matte Magic (on top of chocolate portion only)

(By the way, OMB! by Nicole by OPI is STUNNING. I seriously considered leaving it on by itself because I hated to cover some of it up! If you don't already own this colour, I really recommend considering it.)

Edit (on March 2, 2011): I have been informed that Melissa from The Daily Nail did a design similar to this one quite some time ago. I will note that I was unaware of this when I did my design but now that I know, I have provided a link to her post as well.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Valentine's Day Nail Art - Glitter Kisses

Hey guys!

Today I have the second design in my Valentine's Day series and this is one that I'm actually going to leave on for longer than half an hour! I removed my Lovebug design about half an hour after I posted it and put on my Neon Rainbow Cheetah Print for the second time. However, I actually really like this Valentine's Day mani so this one will be a keeper. :)

China Glaze Strong Adhesion Base Coat
OPI - Alpine Snow (base)
Orly - Winter Wonderland (white glitter)
China Glaze - Pom Pom (pink glitter)
Color Club - Art of Seduction (red glitter)
Revlon - Belle (silver glitter top coat over everything)
OPI - Black Onyx (lips)
Seche Vite Top Coat

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Review & Swatches - OPI Texas Collection

Hey guys!

I'm actually surprised to be able to show you these today because I wasn't expecting to be able to get my hands on this collection for at least a couple of weeks! You know, after how long it took for my local Chatter's Salon to get the Katy Perry collection, I figured it would be a little late with this one as well. But nope, I found out that they had it so I went to check it out, not really thinking that I was going to get the whole collection but I did end up getting them all.

As you might already know, the Texas Collection includes the release of a new finish by OPI called the "Sorbet" finish. According to the press release for this collection, this is what Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, OPI Executive VP & Artistic Director had to say about this new finish:

“These sorbet-style formulas for nails will be in full swing by 2012, but women can get a jump start on this trend with colors in the Texas Collection. Unlike thicker creams or light sheers, these twelve shades are slightly translucent – similar to the look of icy, water-based sorbet!”

Keep reading to see swatches and read the review!
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