Monday, June 03, 2013

My Experience with NCLA Nail Wraps

Hey everyone!

I was recently asked to try out some of the NCLA Nail Wraps. Having had only good experiences with such products before (the Sally Hansen Salon Effects in particular), I said yes. Now let me just preface this by saying that reviews like this one are always very difficult to do. But I know that as a blogger I have a responsibility to share my experiences, both the good and the bad. Unfortunately, this is one of the bad ones.

Let's start with application. First of all, I actually had a little trouble removing the wraps from the sheets. The thin cardboard backing always wanted to come off with the wraps. This was a minor issue, but still worth noting.

Next, although the set comes with a fair amount of different sizes, it seems that most of my nails are in between sizes. One would be slightly too small while the next one up would be just a little too big. This isn't necessarily a flaw of the wraps, though.

The application itself actually wasn't too difficult because the wraps are pretty flexible. I found it easiest to use the flat end of an orange wood stick to smooth out any bumps. I got the first few on and decided that I didn't like how they fit on my nails, so I planned to remove them and start over with different sizes.

That brings me to the removal process. These are not nail polish based, so they're not removed with acetone like some other similar products are. Instead, you're supposed to just peel them off. This was a red flag for me immediately because peeling glue off the natural nail is never a idea. So I was proactive and used my hair dryer to warm up the wraps and hopefully loosen the glue before removing them. I started with my ring finger and peeled it off as the directions say to. Not good. The wrap took pieces of my natural nail with it.

At this point I didn't even want to remove the others I had on because I didn't want to damage the rest of my nails. But obviously they had to come off. So working one nail at a time, I alternated back and forth between using an orange wood stick to gently push the wrap off and blasting it with some heat from my hair dryer to loosen the glue. Each wrap took a good 7-8 minutes to remove this way, but it was definitely worth it because those three nails are significantly less damaged than the one I peeled the wrap off of. Unfortunately, even those other nails took a slight amount of damage.

Below are two photos I took after removing the wraps. The first one is immediately after removing them, so there was still some glue residue left on my nails. The second one is after I removed the residue with some acetone. As you can see, my ring nail took a big hit. The others have a couple of small patches of damage, but definitely not as bad.

After that ordeal, I definitely wasn't putting any more of the wraps on my nails, so I don't even have photos of what they look like on. I apologize for that, but I just couldn't bear to put my nails through that again.

The only positive thing I have to say about these is that there's a good and unique variety of designs to choose from. The two I chose are really quite pretty. But frankly, I wouldn't recommend them. I think NCLA should consider redesigning their wraps so that they're polish-based and thus can be removed easily with acetone.

The product(s) in this post were provided by the above retailer in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Paint Those Piggies!June 3, 2013 at 10:42 AM

    Oh man! That is a huge bummer that they ruined your nails. It's a shame because they have such pretty designs.

  2. KayJune 3, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    Oh no! Your poor nails...what sort of care routine will you be using to help remedy the problem? I ask because my ring finger looks exactly the same...poor little nails. :(

    Kalyn @ The Scenic Route (

    1. Kayla ShevonneJune 3, 2013 at 11:23 AM

      First I used a very gentle buffer file to even out the surface of the nail and then I used two coats of my favourite nail strengthener, OPI Nail Envy.

  • DeAnna CaldwellJune 3, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    Would it make a difference to put them on over an existing manicure/painted nails?? I love the look of nail wraps, but have not used them yet...

    1. Kayla ShevonneJune 3, 2013 at 11:24 AM

      It's possible, but I for one am not willing to test it out, haha. I should have mentioned it above but I already had on one coat of OPI Nail Envy and one coat of CND Stickey Base Coat before applying these.

  • EmmaJune 3, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    I had a really good experience with these wraps, that's too bad :( Perhaps using a different base coat would give you better results? I used two coats of LaCC 2012 base coat under mine, and when I was ready to take them off I soaked them with acetone to loosen up the base coat and they slid off pretty easily, no damage. :/

  • Lisa N.June 3, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    That's sucks to see the damage of what those nails wraps did to your poor nails!

  • bobbyJune 3, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    I loe these but my nail beds are a bit wide. Some type of oil, with the heat, should have made it somehow easier to take off.

  • Phoebe MoonJune 3, 2013 at 1:18 PM

    That's weaksauce. I hate to see your nails damaged from these wraps, and I've seen them damage another blogger's nails as well :( So sorry

  • Kasey CampaJune 3, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    Aw, I'm so sorry your nails were damaged like that! :(

  • Melissa DexterJune 3, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    I am not a huge fan of nail wraps to begin with but wow, that damage to the nail is just so unfortunate. Sorry you had to deal with that!!! :(

  • MintyJune 3, 2013 at 11:15 PM

    I am sorry you had to put up with those! Such a disappointment. Hopefully your nails can recover quickly. Thank you for an honest review.

  • Shelby GatasJune 4, 2013 at 6:15 PM

    When I saw the pitures of your nails I literally gasped out loud (gol?). That is atrocious. This is exactly why I'm afraid to try non-polish wraps because I just couldn't understand how I was supposed to take them off. That and I'm never happy with how the ends look even with the SH Real Polish Strips (but those come off much nicer with foil & acetone). I hope your nail care arsenal helps repair the damage!

  • Polished PlatypusJune 5, 2013 at 1:26 AM

    I'm sorry, that just stinks :( But I guess we know now... nail polish based wraps are the way to go!

  • Emily RoseJune 5, 2013 at 3:02 PM

    yikes! thanks for taking one for the team and letting us know! hope your nails heal fast!

  • Sarah MoreyJune 6, 2013 at 4:46 AM

    Oh Kayla! I am hurting via internet for your nails! Thank you for taking on this unfortunate burden, we learn from each other! Protein base coats to the max, you'll be good as new in no time! Love you girl, honest reviews are hard, but it comes with the territory and we readers sure appreciate it! xoxo

  • KellyJune 6, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    I've actually used ncLA wraps many times over the last year and rarely have this much damage :( Did you apply base coat first? I noticed that when I did that I had a lot less trouble. I think the Sally Hansen strips work best for me when it comes to wear time, but ncLA are easier for me to apply. I have noticed that the newer packages have the problem of the backing sticking to the strip more than previous ones.

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  • kimmie luciniaOctober 24, 2013 at 11:24 PM

    I just got a pack and the backing keeps sticking to the wrap... the WHOLE pack did this... wow. smdh

  • January 19, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    *cringing* The same thing happened to me (using other wraps). The removal hassle & natural nail damage isn't worth it. Hope your nails are healthy and back to normal now!


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