Friday, September 30, 2011

Music Video Nail Art Series - Beyoncé 1+1

Hey guys!

Today I have the final (for now) instalment of my music video series for you. I say for now because beginning October 1st I'll be doing a Halloween series and that'll take up the entire month of October (except for my birthday mani which I'll be sporting for my 24th birthday on October 12th). However I'm really enjoying this music video series so I definitely want to return to it after my Halloween one!

Today's mani was another request from you guys and this one is for a video that I actually hadn't even seen until I looked it up. I've been watching countdown shows a lot lately for this series so I was surprised to see a Beyoncé video that hasn't shown up on any countdowns! Maybe this one is just a little too steamy for cable, haha.

The video actually doesn't offer a whole lot of inspiration but in a few scenes Beyoncé is wearing leopard print lingerie so I was quickly inspired by that. However, I knew I needed something else and there's a lot of red throughout the video so I decided to go with a half-moon mani with red and classic leopard print.
As I was finishing up my mani I knew I had seen something similar before and sure enough, the queen of freehand nail art, Melissa from The Daily Nail had already done this type of mani!
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy mine as well!

OPI Chip Skip
CND Stickey Base Coat
American Apparel - California Trooper (base)
China Glaze - Ruby Deer (half moons)
China Glaze - Classic Camel (leopard spots)
OPI - Suzi Loves Cowboys (outline of spots)
Seche Vite Top Coat

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