Saturday, December 22, 2012

Essence Nail Art Twins - Chuck & Blair

Hi everyone!

A secret santa of mine sent me five sets of the Essence Nail Art Twins! They've been on my wishlist for ages, so I was absolutely thrilled that she sent so many to me!

I'll be showing you the pairs over the next little while and I'm starting today with Chuck & Blair. I actually had to google who these two were named after and apparently they're characters from the television show Gossip Girl, which I've never personally watched. That doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the polishes though!

Chuck is a medium royal blue creme. I've read on some blogs that this is more of a blue-purple, but mine pulls all the way blue on me, so it might be dependent on your skin tone. The formula was very easy to work with and you could get away with just one coat if you apply it a little thick, but I prefer to just do two thinner coats myself.

Blair is a clear base with a mixture of different sized grey-silver hexagons as well as smaller holographic glitters. Since these two are a pair, I've obviously layered Blair over Chuck and I found that one coat gave me enough glitter coverage while still allowing the base colour to show through.

This isn't my favourite of the pairs I was given, but I still really like it. I can't wait to show you the rest of the twins I have!


  1. OliwkaDecember 22, 2012 at 12:24 PM

    This is great :)

  2. KarolineDecember 22, 2012 at 1:01 PM


  3. femketjeDecember 22, 2012 at 2:02 PM

    i love those two together :D

  4. Simona LightYourNailsDecember 28, 2012 at 8:39 AM

    I am glad you liked them all! Can't wait to see what your favourite couple is :)

  5. CristinaJanuary 11, 2013 at 12:50 PM

    I like them. This just reminded me the show ended. That's a pity.
